2009年9月10日 星期四

高仲奇 Gao Zhongqi

高仲奇 Gao Zhongqi高仲奇是香港少数以拍摄人像著名的摄影师,除了为人熟悉的影星林黛及富豪李嘉诚等,高仲奇跟国画大师张大千渊源更深。一九三六年出身于摄影世家,高仲奇幼年跟随家人生活在南京,父亲高岭梅 (1913-1993) ,于一九三七年在昆明正义路创办国际摄影,后扩展至成都,南京等地。抗战爆发,高岭梅带领家人避难,并于重庆认识了张大千,并成为张大千作品的重要收藏者,展开了两人长达半世纪之友谊。后来内战爆发,高岭梅一家与张大千先后迁往台湾,来港后,张大千更迁进高岭梅的家,直至翌年前往印度。



Dinner Sept 8 2009

Executive's Commendation for Government/Public

New Project September 2009

2009年9月6日 星期日

Master Lin Feng Mian

Title: Still Life by Master Lin Feng MianYear: 1987Size:

65cm x 65cmMaterial: color inkPrice: current evaluation by Christies-2009/Sotheby's-2007Status:

signed and stampedArt value: The very look alike sister painting shown (cover leaflet) atthe Hong Kong Exhibition in June 2007.

Estimate: $950,000 (Hong Kong dollars) 2007$1,125,000 (Hong Kong dollars) 2008

Lin Fengmian 大師林風眠

Lin Fengmian's art manifests very little interest in the highly politicized environment in which the artist passed his late years

Private Collections

Private Collections
Estimate US$ 30,000

New Books QBMA Publications

Best selling books awards- 2009
Author-Ms Winnie Law

New Book July 2009

International -release 12,000 copies in 10 countries worldwide

2009年4月9日 星期四

International Press Conference -Beijing 11 March 2009

PR Project:International Press Conference SSW
Sandy Lai and QBMA PR Internationals
Grand Ballroom -China World Hotel, Beijing-China
11 March 2009

Total Guest by invitation 300+

International Media 7+
Asian Media 15+
China Media 55+

Exceeding the Technical Limits and Making Agricultural Breakthrough

BGA Soil Conditioner and ATK Plant Nutrition Water Developed by China Ocean-
Woods Urban and Rural Group

2009年4月7日 星期二


power discourse

2009年3月31日 星期二

products and service

work aroma
meeting deadlines

2009年3月7日 星期六

2009年3月3日 星期二

Twitter Marketing QBMA

Twitter Marketing Team at QBMA International

We offer Twitter Marketing Service to our client 2009

2009年2月20日 星期五

黄桂林博士 2009最新力作


QBMA Publications Group 2009

Chief Executive Officer - amministratore delegato QBMA
Sandy Lai
nome italiano di Kea, isola delle Cicladi

1997: The day that shock the world



王傑/林憶蓮 1983-1993

Sammi Cheng :The Best Memory 1997

stimulating beloved provocative

Sally Yeh and George Lam 林子祥(Lam)及葉蒨文(Sally)

讓這個世界變得更好 !! We make the world a better place !!

My warmest regards to both of them..Hi Sally, Hi Lam..

Sammi Cheng 鄭秀文

Sammi Cheng 鄭秀文 1996

我最喜愛 梁詠琪 Concert

Sam Hui 歌神演唱會 ?

Sam Hui 歌神演唱會 ?

I met Carlos Santana

I met Carlos 4 times at various ocassions: The Miami Concert he even playing drums and bass and sing with me !!

Paul Simon Face To Face 1992

I met him 17 years ago backstage at the Hong Kong Coliseum : he said to me "Thank You for making the Paul Simon Live Concert China"


David call me to see the concert in London but I am very sick at the time..



Ahmet Ertegun, the music magnate who founded Atlantic Records (wea) and shaped the careers of John Coltrane, Ray Charles, the Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin and many others..
The first time i met Ahmet at the Warner Music Hong Kong Office 1997, we stop watching Led Zeppelin promo video : he said to me "i signed the band when they were very young people"..
I was with Ahmet at the Beacon, ten minutes before he went to the john. He asked me how my head was, after the bang. I said, "Have a feel." Because I have a big dent on the left side, front lobe. He was rubbing it, and we were laughing our heads off. By the time I got offstage, I'd heard what happened. It's almost as if I cursed him. So nobody else can rub my head anymore.

The first time I met Ahmet, I didn't really meet him. I was doing a showcase in Los Angeles that Atlantic hooked up. Nobody watched us -- people were all talking and sucking their own dicks. But Ahmet stood right there in front. He watched the whole show. He got it. The next day he called me and said, "How's my young Elvis?

When Ahmet Ertegun first came to hear Buffalo Springfield, he immediately started helping us to make our music. He was parental -- a cool guy, musically savvy and talking our language, but not threatening or overbearing.

2009年2月5日 星期四

好萊塢武打巨星 史蒂芬席格 Steven Segal

I talk to him to make a new movie, he said “no” to me...

For over 25 years, Steven has brought an unparalleled passion for the arts that few can match. His deep spiritual roots are an integral part of his movies, his music, his martial arts expertise and his genuine love and care for others.

2009年2月4日 星期三

If You Leave Me Now - Chicago芝加哥合唱團

Chicago Concert Live In Macau
31 December 2005

我與星雲大師的一次會面 My Meeting Master Venerable Hsing Yun

憤怒的時候,應閉緊嘴巴;緊張的時候,要力持鎮靜。... 星雲大師

Pianist Lang Lang 郎朗

last year we work together in Shanghai : he's stimulating, controversal, provocative , great artist.

The King and I ?

The King and I? I don't quite understand why he's always the best.. Arron the King 2009 +the middle man the King's beloved producer-Mr.Tam Kwok Ching.

2009年1月29日 星期四

Sammi Cheng :The Best Memory 1997


The True Superstar 張惠妹

The true superstar i ever met..